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ЛиАЗ 677МГ #АМ 0434 АА

20 august 2010 - Passenger cabin at night

Comments: 1

ЛиАЗ 677МГ #АМ 0434 АА

20 august 2010 - Passenger cabin

ЛиАЗ 677МГ #АМ 0434 АА

20 august 2010 - Driver`s workplace. This bus have already got mechanical Ural transmission instead of own automatic transmission and a clutch from Ikarus. The engine uses gas instead of petrol.

ЛиАЗ 677МГ #АМ 0434 АА

20 august 2010 - Zhitomirskaya oblast, Pristantsionnoe village, "Chopovichi" railroad station. With station building on the background

ЛиАЗ 677МГ #АМ 0434 АА

20 august 2010 - Zhitomirskaya oblast, Pristantsionnoe village, "Chopovichi" railroad station. This LiAZ brings people from Chopovichi to the station, to the arrival time of each train moving to Kiev. The bus is holded by his driver at home, which is on the way from station to the village.

Comments: 2



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