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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo8WL Wien48812
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo15WL Wien58454
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo42WL Wien61178
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo24WL Wien61598
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo3WL Wien69047
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo7WL Wien69513
SGP ULF A19971997NoNo2WL Wien70388
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo4WL Wien70389
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo5WL Wien70390
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo6WL Wien70391
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo9WL Wien70392
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo10WL Wien70393
SGP ULF A19981998NoNo11WL Wien70394
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo12WL Wien70395
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo13WL Wien70396
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo14WL Wien70397
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo16WL Wien70399
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo17WL Wien70400
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo18WL Wien70401
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo19WL Wien70402
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo20WL Wien70403
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo21WL Wien70405
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo22WL Wien70406
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo23WL Wien70407
SGP ULF A19952002NoNo1WL Wien70424
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo25WL Wien70425
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo26WL Wien70426
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo27WL Wien70427
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo28WL Wien70428
SGP ULF A20012001NoNo29WL Wien70429
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo30WL Wien70430
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo31WL Wien70431
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo32WL Wien70432
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo33WL Wien70433
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo34WL Wien70434
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo35WL Wien70435
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo36WL Wien70436
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo37WL Wien70437
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo38WL Wien70438
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo39WL Wien70439
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo46WL Wien123784
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo40WL Wien124141
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo41WL Wien124142
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo43WL Wien124143
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo44WL Wien124144
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo45WL Wien124145
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo47WL Wien124146
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo48WL Wien124147
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo49WL Wien124148
SGP ULF A20032003NoNo50WL Wien124149
SGP ULF A20052005NoNo51WL Wien124150
Number: No. of vehicles: