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Mercedes-Benz O405N2 #8331

26 august 2015 - Bus station "Sever" a bus with number 8331 on line Plovdiv-Tsaratsovo

Mercedes-Benz O407 #X 0093 BT

25 may 2015 - Bus station "Sever" a bus with number 0093 on line Plovdiv-Caracovo

Mercedes-Benz O407 #X 0093 BT

25 may 2015 - Bus station "Sever" a bus with number 0093 at rest near the station.

Mercedes-Benz O405 #X 0710 BT

3 july 2013 - Pobeda Str. Plovdiv a bus Mercedes with number 0710 on line Plovdiv-Tsaratsovo.



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