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Unibuss Ekspress AS/

Neoplan N1122/3L #372

6 june 2008 - Trondheim, Holtermans veg. The night bus to Oslo, passing me just after 23 in the evening.
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 3

Neoplan N1122/3L #379

18 june 2008 - Otta, train station. Lavprisekspressen.no ("low price express") sells tickets for as little as 49NOK (about €6) for the 500km distance between Oslo and Trondheim, but you have to be very early to get that price. They only accept online booking. They have a fleet of Neoplan Skyliners for this route. Here it is pictured in Otta, which is about half way between Oslo and Trondheim.
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 3



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