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Königsberger Werke und Straßenbahn GmbH/

Steinfurt (REKO) #202

1939 - Königsberg (Pr.), Hauptbahnhof. The post card is dated 1941, and the photo must be taken in the late 1930`s. The KWS had 15 trailers modernised by the Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt AG (nos. 201-215) as part of the major modernisation programme from 1924 till 1931.
Author: HKN

Steinfurt (REKO) #210

- Königsberg (Pr.), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz (Ленинский проспект) approximately 1940.
Author: HKN

Steinfurt (REKO) #215

- Königsberg (Pr.), Paradeplatz (улица Университетская) before the outbreak of World War II. The Hotel "Kaliningrad" stands approximately on the site of the Altstädtische Kirche, which is seen in the background.
Author: HKN



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