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Königsberger Werke und Straßenbahn GmbH/

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt 1924 #11

- Königsberg (Pr.), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz. Route no. 4 is leaving the tram stop into the Kantstraße on its way to Ratshof (Октябрьская). The photo appears to be taken in the early years of the Second World War, i.e. approximately 1940. We see quite a lot of uniforms among the pedestrians, and there is no private car traffic.
Author: HKN

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt 1924 #19

1941 - Königsberg (Pr.), Hauptbahnhof, 1941. Due to the change in schedules of the KWS during the War, route no. 4 ended at Juditten. The back side of the photo indicates the name "Prasuhn" as the photographer.
Author: HKN

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt 1924 #36

- Königsberg (Pr.), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz. Vehicle no. 36 - still not equipped with headlights - appears to be almost new from factory. The post card has no indication of the date, but it must be assumed that the picture was taken in the mid 1920`s. The destination sign indicates "Flughafen". Route no. 2 was extended from Kalthof to Flughafen Devau in 1924.
Author: HKN

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt 1924 #41

- Königsberg (Pr.), Steindamm (ул. Житомирская). The route 15 (nos. 41 and 328) is heading south along the Steindamm on the way to Ponarth Ost (кинотеатр "РОДИНА").
Author: HKN

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt 1924 #6

- Königsberg (Pr.), Kantstraße at Kaiser Wilhelm Platz (Ленинский проспект). The Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt AG delivered the new rolling stock of the KWS from 1924 in two lengths. The vehicles nos. 1-60 and nos. 132-141 were the short version with a length of the body of 9600 mm. The design of the body can be seen in this photo, though the photographer (unknown) has, obviously, focused his camera at the Kaiser Wilhelm I. Monument at the South West front of the Castle of Königsberg. Approximately 1941. The photographer has only indicated "Königsberg" in hand writing on the back side.
Author: HKN



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